Goal ticket

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day #5 Half successful

Alright, this is going to be quick because I am EXHAUSTED.

Today I was supposed to do workout #2 in the morning and then cardio 1 in the evening. I got up early and did the strength workout according to plan, however I had a board of trustees meeting this evening and I just got home a little while ago...I know that there are some days where my schedule simply won't allow for two workouts, and this was one of them. But alas, no more double workouts after this week anyway.

Tomorrow is supposed to be double cardio and then Saturday is a rest day for me, so I'll see how things work out with my schedule...I'm guessing now that Friday's workout will end up somewhat modified, not sure I'll have sufficient time to get in two different cardio sessions.

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