Goal ticket

LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The DVDs

Silly me, in my excitement about starting up this blog I forgot to actually post about the program itself.

There's really not too much I can say that Jillian doesn't already say better, but go check it out over at http://www.jillianmichaelsbodyrevolution.com/

If you're curious enough to cough up the money let me know, perhaps we can take it on together!


  1. I am a huge dork but I love getting new fitness DVDs. So congrats on starting this program! Maybe after 90 days we can do a fitness dvd swap? Like a book swap?

  2. Hey Erin! Thanks for commenting on my blog! :-) I have done Jillian Michael's dvd's before. They tend to kill my knees, but most exercise does, so I just have to stock up on advil and suck it up. I hope mine will be here soon and I'm so excited to have other blogs to follow. You're on my list now, so I'll be keeping up with you!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Erin,
    I just got my DVDs today! I'm so excited to get started! I am also blogging about my experience. You can find me at http://bodyrevolutionbyforty.wordpress.com/ I've added a link to your blog on mine. I'll be checking in on you!
